Neil Dentzer, Bob Opsahl, Larry Ogle
Eric Welch, CFRE and Michael Slaymaker, MAHR
present outgoing President Neil Dentzer Orlando Magic tickets and stuff.
Past Presidents Robert Kinney, Bernadine Douglas, CFRE, Terry Knox, CFRE, Bob Opsahl, Neil Dentzer, Greg Higgerson, CFRE, Jim Donovan, Chris Jepson, Lisa Hicks, CFRE, Larry Ogle and Izzie Berkson. In front Michael Slaymaker, MAHR and Eric Welch, CFRE.
AFP Central Florida Chapters held it 25th Anniversary and Annual Meeting at the Citrus Club in downtown Orlando on December 5, 2007. Coordinators Larry Ogle and Neil Dentzer enlisted Bob Opsahl from WFTV 9 to serve as emcee. Jim Donovan spoke about the early years, Larry Ogle talked about the middle years and Bernadine Douglas commented about recent accomplishments.
Recognition was given to all the past presidents for leading the organization. Mr. Dentzer gave a State of the Chapter address. He praised the current board and members for achieving new heights. Incoming President, Eric Welch, announced the board for 2008.
Association of Fundraising Professionals
Central Florida Chapter
PO Box 398
Winter Park, FL 32790
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